Flight Insurance

When I look around me and see the suffering that so many others are going through, I feel really good about where my life is at right now. Sure…I still have cancer related annoyances to go through. Dr. D. thinks the medication I’m on may be causing osteoporosis so I have to have a bone density test. And, there is a new medication, just released, to help prevent or reverse osteoporosis but it can cause jaw and dental problems so before he prescribes that I also have to go in for a dental exam. And then there’s the Mayo Clinic issue that just won’t go away.

But all of that pales in the face of things like the high school students shot and killed this week…my “blogging sister” who has just been told that a recent scan shows a 1.6 cm mass in the ablated area of her liver…the unexpected death of Davey Jones, etc.

Ken is on Spring Break next week, so we’re living it up and heading to Colorado on Monday. Looking forward to some relaxing family time. We will return to the Mile High city in May to celebrate the graduations of Tyler and Kelli. PLUS, we just bit the bullet and booked the big June celebration. We’ll be headed back to wine country and the northern California coast. We have rented a home on the ocean at Bodega Bay. For those old timers out there, Bodega Bay is where Alfred Hitchcock’s, The Birds, was filmed.

I look at my life with enough confidence these days to move forward and make plans like these but not with enough confidence to do so without a safety net. Therefore, I did take out flight insurance to protect our airfare investment…just in case. It’s that darn Schleprock thing, ya know?


One Response

  1. If Shleprock interferes with plans like these … he’ll have me to deal with ( and just ask Rick – that’s not something you want to do these days – I’m calling them Menopausal Maniac Moments !!! )… I’ll bet Colorado is anxiously anticipating your arrival. Go – enjoy – and leave that Mayo thing on the back burner. There’s plenty of time to decide AFTER you have some fun. Give our best to the kids –

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